AI, The Ultimate Sideman

In the absence of regurgitating the opinions of others, including self-identified experts, it occurs to me that we’ve learned quite a lot about anticipating the unexpected. In our personal lives, issues across the globe, the latest crises and even back to 1943 when Pearl Harbor was attacked, first responses are going to be wrong. But, we are mostly unprepared. And, our reaction is to jump in all the way, as fast as we can. The money follows, then the experts appear promising some completely unknown solution or implication, and soon enough we’ve predicted our way into mostly crestfallen possibilities. But, isn’t this outcome what we wake up with every day?


Imagine the potential if we studied AI to understand it, then tested it, analyzed the potential outcomes and then integrated it into our lives. Except that we’d be more in control of its use and those creating it would be held accountable to us and laws. These laws, the punishment, the rewards would be clear. AI and the machine learning that goes with it have already saved lives, found prison escapees, uncovered fraud, protected US citizens here and abroad, and many, many more examples.

If we embraced what’s new rather than fighting it back, we could better see possibility. AI could become our sideman to listen, advise and solve problems through the use of its technology. There as our caddy, the Robin for Batman, and the medical researcher discovering cures. Let’s take the 10 minutes to read the Executive Order from the White House. Imagine if the Cryptocurrency industry had rules. Or, record labels and platform companies like Spotify had to follow them. And, if original anything could not be copied without our approval. Or, mass shootings could be predicted. Ingenuity powered by people. Us.

Humanity in the Back Seat

Can we get humanity back in the front seat? This, first please.

Solve the Problem: Where Grit Lives

The good stuff lives where our hands get dirty, where we cry when something gets excrutiatingly difficult, and life’s lousy circumstances show up on your doorstep. We don’t have to manufacture it. But, we do have to crawl inside of it, look around and listen, and explore our emotions.

The answers are already there. It’s on us to solve it. I’m intrigued by the manifesting movement and its focused intent. I really am, but problems get solved with intense focus, the right people in it with us, our attitudes and collective skills. But, mostly, action. 


Execution, it’s all that matters.